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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of this research?

The purpose of this research is to help figure out how normally developing infants think about their social and physical world. We examine these questions in babies to help give us insight into how our own minds work. 


How long does a study take?

Each study is designed to be a fun game or puppet show that lasts about 15 to 20 minutes. We usually schedule 30 minutes for the entire visit. 


Can I bring my other children with me?

Absolutely! We have a waiting room/play room and we will arrange for someone to be there to babysit while you are particpating with your other chlid in the adjacent room. Just let us know if you expect to bring another child and we will be sure to plan accordingly. 


What if my baby gets fussy?

No problem! We can stop the study at any time for any reason whatsoever. Whenever a baby gets fussy we typically take a short break for a feeding or changing etc. If the baby remains fussy then we usually call it a day and just plan on trying during another visit.


Where can I park?

We have parking spaces available jsut outside of our building. We will have someone meet you outside to give you a parking pass so you can park in the designated spots. We will send you direction to our building once you schedule an appointment. Contact us any time if you need another copy. 


What should I do if I need to cancel?

If you need to cancel your appointment for any reason you can simply call us at (413)345-2939 or email at We would be happy to try and reschedule you for a more convenient time. 



The Infant Cognition Lab | Tobin Hall 135 Hicks Way Amherst, MA 01003 | (413)345-2939 |

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